mindfulness silence

Mindfulness​ Monday: Silence


In this crazy world we live, sometimes Silence might seem unachievable. The funny thing is that our brain needs silence to be able to function better. There’s a Huffington Post article from January 2017 with 4 science-backed reasons for why our brain needs silence, which are:

1. Silence helps relieve stress and tension.
2. Silence replenishes our mental resources.
3. In silence, we can tap into our brain’s default mode network.
4. Getting quiet can regenerate our brain cells.

Along the Horizon II
I, myself, constantly find it hard to find time for silence in my life. Now, for instance, I have a Bon Iver album playing in the background as I write this post. Even though I notice the benefits of being in silence in my life, it’s still hard. I have, though, a few tricks up my sleeve for finding silence.

  • I use a timmer that rings every 2 or 5 minutes. I understand that it might seem counter productive to purpusefully add a sound to when your trying to find silence. But when I start getting impatiente, these bells help remind of what I’m trying to acheive.
  • I practice a few Sun Salutations before being silent. Just a couple of sequences are enough to set the mood and help quiet my mind to be able to enjoy the silence.
  • Tea helps. The warmth and smell of a nice herbal tea – roiboos preferably – really helps set the mood. Lavander and passion flower tea, also smell really nice and help calm your body.
  • Breathing exercises can add an extra mental task. Sometimes it’s hard to quiet the mind and I get too impatient to meditate, so I switch to breathing exercises to give my brain something to do while being in silence.
  • Try a meditation class. This one is something new for me, btw. In a meditation class, you are intentionally in an enviroument that is set for silence.

california waves

The most important thing is that you try to silence somehow during your days and give your brain a break. I hope this post finds you well.



Watching the birds fly

I have always lived in places where you can either see or listen to birds. The bedroom I grew up in had a tree just beside it. I’m not much of a morning person, but I would wake up every day with the sound of birds singing by my window. It would naturally put me in a good mood. I don’t listen to birds singing that often since moving to California, but here we get to see different kinds of birds flying in the blue skies. This Serene emotion comes when I stop and observe them fly. No judgment or complex thoughts. Just being still and enjoying the beauty.

The Birds and The Surf

On their way

Birds Flying

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 40:10

Experimental Cat House

If you are a cat lover, or you know anything about cats, you’ve probably noticed their love for boxes. When we get a packaged by mail, our cats seem as excited as we, since they have a new place to hang out and do their thing. We have an empty shoe box in the bedroom for them to sleep in – that’s how important boxes are to our cats’ experience. So when we moved to SoCal, I started to look at the empty boxes and thought that maybe I could get a bit Experimental with them and make our lovely cats a castle made out of boxes.

So I developed a plan, and thought of all the materials that I would need to get this house cat house going. Do I need to say that they pretty much ignore it *face palm*. There’s not enough catnip in the world that would get the cats inside that house. I, personally, think it looks super cool but I don’t fit inside it. I did make a scratcher out of the leftover cardboard from the project, which ended up being quite successful. It’s the small victories that count, right?


Seattle great wheel

Through the Dirty Window

At first glance you might only see a dirty window. But throught the Window, there’s a whole world waiting for you.

Through the Dirty Window

This photo taken in Seattle, WA. I was waiting to meet up with a friend who moved there and when I looked outside I couldn’t help but noticed how beautifully framed Seattle’s Great Wheen was. As I started to take pictures, the window became more interesting than the view behind it.

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