Mindfulness Monday: Waiting

I wasn’t planning on writing any #mindfulnessmonday post today, but I find myself waiting for my husband to finish his office hours. We had planned to have a picnic while he waited for students to show up, it apparently they are freaking out with natural deductions. So while I wait, I decided to share with you my candid thoughts about where I am in my mindfulness journey.

Firstly, I have noticed that I don’t feel so panicky all the time. This is mainly because whenever I catch myself feeling overwhelmed or lost I do the intelectual exercise of being curious and trying to notice what I’m feeling and how I got there.

I don’t have the habit of journaling, but I do share these thoughts with my husband, since he is the one person I spend the most time with.

Exercising curiosity has been really helpful because I get out of my own problems more easily.

I have to admit that I still can’t quite keep up with the habit of meditating everyday. I hate that I don’t, but I’m practicing self-kindness by not allowing myself to feel frustrated because I still haven’t gotten to the place where I want to be.

I have been, however, taking more time to read the Bible and have some quiet time by practicing lettering with bible verses. Once again, I have an accountability partner – my cousin – who I send her my verses and she sends me hers. I’m

Lastly, I track everything! From my mood, to the herbal teas I drink, me meditation practice, and even my bowel movements! My husband was even praising me for doing it the other day. And I was trying to explain to him that I need to do it, in order to be able to asses my mental health.

So once a day I stop and think about how I felt and what that day was like. It’s been really helpful to see and keep track of the things in my life I’m trying to be more mindful.

So here’s where I am. Far from a role-model of mindfulness but on my journey. And I think that’s what really matters.

How is your mindfulness journey going? I’d love it if you’d share your thoughts with me.

how to practice mindfulness

Mindfulness Monday: How to Start a Mindfulness Practice.


Now that the holidays have ended and my husband is back with his classes, it feels like the new year has officially started. We had guests over and extra quality time with my husband that I sort of had to put my mindfulness practices on hold.  I have to admit that a ton of overeating and mindless time in front of the TV was a huge part of the last three weeks – and I am not proud of it. That said, now that we’re going back to our routines, I want to be able to go back to meditating on a regular basis and being more mindful.

This lead me to go back to basics of mindfulness and meditation. I found this article on Mindfulness.org on how to practice mindfulness. I’m not going to try and re-invent the wheel here so click on the link above and to read this short article. I especially liked tip #4 on things to consider before practicing mindfulness. This is something that I am trying to work on, myself. I tend to not be kind towards my own flaws holding on to unrealistic expectations of how I should be living my life.

how to practice mindfulness

How to Practice Mindfulness

Becoming more aware of where you are and what you’re doing, without becoming overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around you.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and how you practice mindfulness.


